1 BishopX  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 2:15:59pm

So now Lieberman is jamming his rifle into his foot while yelling about how turkey had better “repsect” him or he’ll pull the trigger. Way to go.

Seriously, politicizing genocide recognition and supporting terrorist groups are really the last things Israel needs to do.

2 Bob Levin  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 3:03:41pm

re: #1 BishopX

First, why do you even care what Lieberman says? Do you think that he somehow speaks for all of Israel or all Jews? Most Jews and Israelis don’t care about Lieberman as much as you do. I mean he might be a good next door neighbor, you know, to look in on the cat, take in the mail, but what’s the deal?

Second, Turkey has been politicizing the treatment of Armenians for—a very long time. About forty years ago there was a girl of Armenian descent in a group I belonged, and she went on about this genocide that none of us had even heard of. Washington won’t touch it, it’s like the Turkish third rail.

And I suppose you’d need to post some history of the Kurds before you begin to editorialize. For instance, I know how Saddam treated the Kurds. I want to know why. I want to know what the Kurds want, and how they respond to their current events. I’d even like to know what their current events are.

Otherwise, it kind of seems like you go out of your way to bash Israel.

3 Bob Levin  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 3:23:32pm

re: #1 BishopX

We’ll have to pick this up some other time. It’s getting late on Friday. Have a good weekend.

4 BishopX  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 3:24:35pm

My nick is blue, feel free to contact me to discuss it. Happy shabbas.

5 Decatur Deb  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 5:41:27pm

re: #2 Bob Levin


Second, Turkey has been politicizing the treatment of Armenians for—a very long time. About forty years ago there was a girl of Armenian descent in a group I belonged, and she went on about this genocide that none of us had even heard of. Washington won’t touch it, it’s like the Turkish third rail.

And I suppose you’d need to post some history of the Kurds before you begin to editorialize. For instance, I know how Saddam treated the Kurds. I want to know why. I want to know what the Kurds want, and how they respond to their current events. I’d even like to know what their current events are.

Otherwise, it kind of seems like you go out of your way to bash Israel.

This is not accurate. I was in Istanbul on TDY to our bases there when Senator Bob Dole pushed through one of his periodic attempts at a congressional condemnation of the Armenian genocide. It was a long couple weeks.

Here is an Armenian lobby summary of much of the congressional action of this sort:


Attempts to put the US into an us-or-them situation between Israel and a critical NATO treaty signatory are very destructive to all parties.

6 Bob Levin  Sun, Sep 11, 2011 4:53:18am

re: #5 Decatur Deb

I probably should have said that Turkey politicizes this, and it takes great effort from Washington to deal with it, since Turkey pushes back at any attempts to recognize the genocide. It’s been going on for quite some time.

7 Bob Levin  Sun, Sep 11, 2011 4:56:05am

re: #5 Decatur Deb

Attempts to put the US into an us-or-them situation between Israel and a critical NATO treaty signatory are very destructive to all parties.

Are you referring to any attempts by anyone, or current events, or folks posting on this issue? Could you clarify this please?

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